북미국장 신재현(申載鉉) (現 북핵외교기획단장)
북핵외교기획단장 김건(金 健) (現 북미국 심의관)
이 력 서
성 명 : 신 재 현 (申 載 鉉)
생년월일 : 1965. 3. 11.
학 력 :
1986. 2. 서울대 신문학과 졸
1992.11. 영국 캠브리지대 국제정치학 석사
주요경력 :
1987. 6. 외무부 입부 (87.4 제21회 외무고시)
1994.12. 주국제연합1등서기관
1997.12. 주세네갈1등서기관
2000. 2. 동구과 서기관
2001. 2. 인사운영계장
2002. 7. 주미국1등서기관
2005. 6. 의전1담당관
2007. 1. 북미1과장
2008. 7. 주뉴욕영사
2011. 8. 주홍콩부총영사
2013. 4. 인사기획관
2014. 9. 북핵외교기획단장
2015. 2. 북미국장
서 훈 :
2006. 2. 근정포장
NAME : Shin Chae-hyun
DATE OF BIRTH : March 11, 1965
Feb. 1986 B.A. in Communication, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea
Nov. 1992 M.Phil., International Relations, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United Kingdom
Apr. 1987 Passed High Diplomatic Service Examination
Jun. 1987 Joined the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA)
Dec. 1994 First Secretary, Korean Permanent Mission to the United Nations in New York, U.S.A.
Dec. 1997 First Secretary, Korean Embassy in the Republic of Senegal
Feb. 2000 Deputy Director, East Europe Division, European Affairs Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MOFAT)
Feb. 2001 Director, Human Resources Management Division, Office of Planning and Management, MOFAT
Jul. 2002 First Secretary, Korean Embassy in the United States of America
Jun. 2005 Director, Protocol Division I, MOFAT
Jan. 2007 Director, North America Division I, North American Affairs Bureau, MOFAT
Jul. 2008 Consul, Korean Consulate General in New York, U.S.A.
Aug. 2011 Deputy Consul-General, Korean Consulate General in Hong Kong, China
Apr. 2013 Director-General for Human Resources, Office of Planning and Coordination, Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA)
Sep. 2014 Director-General for North Korean Nuclear Affairs, MOFA
Feb. 2015 Director-General for North American Affairs, MOFA
Feb. 2006 Service Merit Medal
FAMILY : Married with one daughter and one son
이 력 서
성 명 : 김 건 (金 健)
생년월일 : 1966. 10. 10
학 력 :
1989. 8. 서울대 정치학과 졸
1994. 5. 미국 뉴욕주립대 정치학 석사
주요경력 :
1989. 5. 외무부 입부 (89.4 제23회 외무고시)
1995.12. 주미국2등서기관
1998.12. 주코트디브와르1등서기관
2003.12. 주중국1등서기관
2007. 1. 북핵협상과장
2008.12. 주인도네시아참사관
2010. 3. 대통령실 파견(외교안보수석실)
2013.10. 북미국 심의관
2015. 2. 북핵외교기획단장
NAME : Kim, Gunn
DATE OF BIRTH : Oct. 10, 1966
Aug. 1989 B.A. in Political Science, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea
May 1994 M.A. in Political Science, State University of New York, Buffalo, U.S.A.
Apr. 1989 Passed High Diplomatic Service Examination
May 1989 Joined the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA)
Dec. 1995 Second Secretary, Korean Embassy in the United States of America
Dec. 1998 First Secretary, Korean Embassy in the Republic of Cote D'Ivoire
Dec. 2003 First Secretary, Korean Embassy in the People's Republic of China
Jan. 2007 Director, North Korean Nuclear Negotiations Division, North Korean Nuclear Affairs Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MOFAT)
Dec. 2008 Counsellor, Korean Embassy in the Republic of Indonesia
Mar. 2010 Senior Assistant Secretary, Office of the President
Oct. 2013 Deputy Director-General, North American Affairs Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA)
Feb. 2015 Director-General for North Korean Nuclear Affairs, MOFA
FAMILY : Married with two sons
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