기사 메일전송
ESH2013 Congress President
  • 기사등록 2013-06-15 20:02:09
  • 수정 2013-06-15 20:03:55

Welcome from the Congress President
Dear Colleagues,

It is a great pleasure to extend you a cordial invitation to attend the 23rd scientific meeting of the European Society of Hypertension (ESH) on “Hypertension and Cardiovascular Protection”, which will be held in Milan on June 14-17 2013.

In line with the previous ESH meetings a large portion of the scientific programme will be devoted to presentations of abstracts on original scientific data, with a selection made via the assessment of several expert European reviewers.
This is justified by the large amount of research on hypertension and related cardiovascular diseases which goes on in Europe, as well as elsewhere in the world, and finds its appropriate forum in the European Hypertension Meetings. In the recent ESH meeting in London almost 2.000 abstracts were received.

The scientific programme will also include: 1) State-of-the-Art Lectures, Debates, Round Tables and scientific Sessions, organized by the ESH Working Groups to expose participants to views on issues of current scientific and practical interest by the many top opinion leaders who attend the ESH meetings

2) Educational sessions on the epidemiology, diagnosis and treatment of conditions (diabetes, dyslipidaemias, atrial fibrillation etc) common in hypertension, organized also in cooperation with other learned scientific Societies and
3) “Teaching”,“How-to” , “Meet the expert” and “Clinical case” sessions organized in a way that allows attendees to interact with the Experts and take home valuable advice for daily medical practice.
An important contribution to the research and educational aspects of the meeting will also be given by Satellites organized by the Industry, which will provide participants with in-depth information on progress in drug and other innovative types of hypertensive patient management, either in the uncomplicated phase and when, as it unfortunately often happens, high blood pressure coexists with other cardiovascular risk factors and diseases.
Specific educational events will be held for Hypertension Specialists and Hypertension Excellence Centers of ESH. The meeting will also host the first presentation of the new ESH/ESC Guidelines on hypertension.

As in the past, the ESH meeting will be held in the Congress Center of the Milan City Fair, which can optimally accommodate the large number of participants (the ESH meetings are the largest gathering of hypertensiologists worldwide) and the diversified scientific and educational activities that characterize the European Hypertension Meetings, with also a suitable exhibition space for Industry.
The City Fair is only few stops away from the very center of Milan (the Cathedral Square) and can be easily reached from major Hotels.

As always in the past, ESH will provide accommodation grants to help participation of young investigators who may find covering the expenses to come to Milan difficult. Lower registration fees have been planned for early applications and ESH members.

As for the previous meetings, the 2013 ESH meeting will receive official credits from EBAC and UEMS, as well as from ESH itself with regard to qualification as European Hypertension Specialist.

I look forward to seeing you next year in the beautiful Milan.
Prof. Giuseppe Mancia
ESH 2013 Chairman


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